How do you hold meetings in Microsoft Teams and what are the options?

Meetings in Microsoft Teams

Meetings in Microsoft Teams are a popular option for organizations and professionals. Especially at the moment, because it can easily be done from home. Online meetings via Microsoft Teams offer many possibilities.

In the video below we explain how to meet in Microsoft Teams, from organizing the meeting to the conclusion. We take you through the process, you see what a meeting looks like “live” and what the possibilities are during and after the meeting.

Meeting vs live event

In addition to a meeting, Microsoft Teams also offers the option of organizing a live event or webinar. The choice between a meeting or a live event mainly depends on the number of people involved and the extent to which you want to interact with the invitees. For both situations, the invitees do not need a Microsoft Teams license. This is only necessary for the person organizing it.

Are you unsure whether you want to organize a meeting or live event via Microsoft Teams?
In this video we explain the difference between the two options.

Have fun with it!
PS. You can also download our free checklist with 13 steps on smarter digital collaboration with Microsoft Teams and Office 365.

Videos about Microsoft Teams

Would you like to see more videos about Microsoft Teams?
On our YouTube channel you will find a whole library of “How to” videos about using Microsoft Teams.
In Dutch, with demos and a clear explanation.


KbWorks YouTube kanaal


3 thoughts on “How do you hold meetings in Microsoft Teams and what are the options?”

  1. Doriene Brinkman

    Hoi Debby, ik zou heel graag een video willen zien met uitleg uiteraard, als je met meer dan bv 30 personen (max is 49) in bv een team meeting zit. En daarnaast het gebruik van de aparte ruimtes.

    1. Hi Doriene,

      Je bedoelt hoe je de omzetting doet naar meer dan 10 personen in je meeting?
      Aparte ruimtes(break out rooms) komt in december uit dus we gaan daar binnenkort een video van maken.

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