How do you organize a live event or webinar in Microsoft Teams?

Live event or webinar in Microsoft Teams

Organizing a live event or webinar in Microsoft Teams is a much discussed and requested option in organizations. It is a fantastic way to organize a live event within your organization, where you can share all kinds of things (news, but also learnings) with your employees, customers, volunteers or other invitees.

The possibilities are developing rapidly. That is why we have made a video about how to organize a live event, from start to finish. It is not only about the technical side, but you also see how the process works and what it looks like “behind the scenes” when you organize a live event yourself.

Participate in the live event

Do you want to organize a live event or webinar in Microsoft Teams and are you curious about how someone else can participate in your event? And what this looks like? In this video we show you how to participate in a live event in Microsoft Teams. So the side of the person who is invited and is going to participate.

We also made a blog about the most common problems with live events in Microsoft Teams.

Videos about Microsoft Teams

Want to see more videos about Microsoft Teams?
On our YouTube channel you will find a whole library of “How to” videos about using Microsoft Teams.
In Dutch, with demos and a clear explanation.

KbWorks YouTube kanaal


7 thoughts on “How do you organize a live event or webinar in Microsoft Teams?”

    1. Absoluut een groot verschil Live even was voor het Webinar er was. Bij Webinar is het een soort van team meeting. en bij een live event kun je echt gaan produceren met een meerdere rollen

  1. Unable to submit your request. Please contact the website administrator. Hoe kan ik de infographic op een andere manier downloaden?

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