Microsoft Roadmap, messagecenter en blogs updates van 11-06-2024

het nieuws van Microsoft message center roadmap en blogs - KbWorks - SharePoint and Teams Specialist

11-June-2024 Below you will find a collection of news published yesterday. This news consists of Microsoft’s Roadmap when it is updated it will be below with items. Then there will be a section with the message center, if there is anything new there, this will be automatically included. And it contains a piece from blogs that I follow myself and would like to share with you. If I miss something in the blogs that do have an RSS feed, please let me know.

This entire post was automated via Microsoft Flow
have fun reading!

Office 365 Roadmap Updated: 2024-06-10

Office 365 Roadmap Updated: 2024-06-11

Items from the MessageCenter in Microsoft 365

(Updated) SharePoint Online: Enhancements to Text web part (Part 1)
Category:SharePoint Online

Updated June 10, 2024: We have updated the message to show as intended. We apologize for the inconvenience.

SharePoint Online: We’re introducing our first set of improvements to the Text web part, which includes:

  • Expanded support for font sizes 8-250 with the capability to manually enter in custom value
  • More bullet list styles 
  • More numbered list styles
  • Ability to set custom numbered list

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 394278

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out mid-May 2024 and expect to complete by late June 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out late June 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.

[How this will affect your organization:]

All page authors will have these new capabilities. 

Screenshot of the new font size text box, where a user can manually enter a custom font size between 8-250:

RW1lMrF?ver=7776 - KbWorks - SharePoint and Teams Specialist

Screenshot of the new bullet list style options menu available from the RTE toolbar, which includes disc, circle, and square:

RW1lTFg?ver=b737 - KbWorks - SharePoint and Teams Specialist

Screenshot of the new numbered list style options menu available, which includes numbered, alphabetical, alphabetical small, roman, roman small. User also has the option in the menu to “Start new list” or “Start list at” and set the value:

RW1lTFd?ver=eed5 - KbWorks - SharePoint and Teams Specialist

[What you need to do to prepare:]

This rollout will happen automatically by the specified date with no admin action required before the rollout. 

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