Updates of Microsoft 365: 27 May- 3 June, week 22/2019

Every week I share with you the latest updates on Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365.

New Feature: Teams read receipts

Until now, you haven’t been able to see within Microsoft Teams whether the other person has read a message. Soon, an update will be released that will allow you to set up read receipts. This means you will now be able to see if your message has been read. You can find additional information here.

Updated Feature: Inside Look for .docx file types

When you log in to the Microsoft 365 website, you can navigate to the programs OneDrive, SharePoint, or Microsoft Teams. These programs contain document libraries (see image below) where your files are stored. If you select a file and then click the “i” in the upper right corner, you will see all the information about that file. Soon you will also be able to see, in the same place, approximately how long it takes to read the file. This update is expected at the end of July.

New Feature: Update Outlook for Windows 2016 or later to modern authentication logon experience

If you are still using Outlook 2016 on your PC, the sign-in screen will change. Microsoft is updating the sign-in screen so that it matches the Office 365 sign-in screen. This ensures that the user experience is the same everywhere. You can find more information here.

These were this week’s updates.
Which updates are you looking forward to, or which ones would make your work faster and easier?
Let me know by posting a comment below this article.


We often don’t realize what we’re dealing with. But we do notice that we’re completely fed up with the many emails and the daily overflowing inbox.

For every email you send, you receive three in return.
A vicious circle that never ends—and a lot of time is lost because of it.

Luckily, you can do something about it.

Take the company scan and gain insights, among other things, into how much time is lost in your company due to emailing.
It will surprise you how much time that is.

Choose the new way of working. Save time (and money).

With a concrete strategy, we will look together at the 7 important aspects of your company.
We will create a clear plan to help you reduce the massive number of emails.
Especially adjustments in the first 2 aspects yield significant time savings.

Get in touch, and we’ll get started together.

Below you will find all the updates from Microsoft:

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