Kaizala will become Microsoft Teams in Office 365.
This will happen in 12 to 18 months. In April 2019, it was announced that Microsoft would add Kaizala to Microsoft Teams.
During the announcement in April, there was no concrete information about what would happen. The roadmap would follow later. This could mean that certain features of Kaizala could end up in Microsoft Teams. But nothing else was known yet.
Now a blog has been released from Microsoft, with more clarity about the future of Kaizala and Microsoft Teams.
This is the blog, but I will explain a few more highlights.
Microsoft Teams will replace the Kaizala service in Office 365 and Microsoft 365
The pro options will be added to Microsoft Teams. This will happen in the next 12 to 18 months.
When you use Kaizala and/or Microsoft Teams, this affects everyone who works with it. Both internal employees and people outside your network with whom you collaborate.
The first Kaizala pro capabilities will be available in Microsoft Teams in late 2019. They include Kaizala capabilities such as creating a checklist, creating trainings and creating a quiz. In late 2020, additional capabilities will come to Microsoft Teams, such as custom apps, flexible group types and open directory capabilities for identity and authentication.
With this change, you can communicate with anyone in Microsoft Teams, regardless of whether the user is managed in your Azure environment. Once these new capabilities are part of Teams, Kaizala customers can begin the transition to Microsoft Teams.
The free version of Kaizala will continue as a standalone service, but little is known about this at this time. If you want to use Kaizala, you can do so via this link: https://products.office.com/en/business/microsoft-kaizala
The most important thing for Microsoft is to enable customers to use Microsoft Teams to connect with their extended network. Think of partners, suppliers, customers and anonymous users. This regardless of whether they are managed in your Azure Active Directory. This is what Kaizala can do now.
If you have any questions about this change, please contact us.
What is Kaizala?
Kaizala is a chat-based application from Microsoft. It is comparable to WhatsApp, but with more functionalities and it is safer to use. In addition to sending chat messages, you can also send attachments with photos, videos and sound fragments. The condition is that you have a mobile number or an Office 365 account. It is also possible to send messages to yourself, so that you can use them later.
The Kaizala App can be downloaded for Apple, Android, Microsoft and browser version https://webapp.kaiza.la/Account/Webapp
Microsoft Kaizala as part of Office 365:

All Office 365 users have access to Microsoft Kaizala. This gives you additional options, such as Kaizala action cards. Action cards make it possible to gain insight into your activities via Instant Messaging. For example, there are these cards: announcements, polls and surveys, tasks, and meeting requests.