20% Time savings,
50% Less worries

We help mission-driven global organizations use Microsoft 365 smarter on a lasting basis.

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Because time is not for sale
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Short pathways

We work with small framed flows so that projects are short and sweet. No endless hopeless trajectories or unclear budgets.


Secure & flexible

Not convinced by our approach and competence? Then our cooperation stops for free. Our priority is to turn customers into fans


Quick results

We work pragmatically, with short lines of communication. As soon as the assignment is clear, we get straight to work. Quick results is what we want.

Hi, my name is Paul Keijzers

As founder of KbWorks, I work with an extensive team of professionals to support your organization in making the most of your Microsoft 365 environment. With our deep expertise and years of experience, we offer a reliable partnership.

Discover the possibilities of Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, VIVA and Syntex, which is where our full focus lies. With over 20 years of experience working with Microsoft products and my 5+ years as a Microsoft MVP in this field, I understand better than anyone that each user has a unique way of working, as well as your organization’s specific preferences and goals.

The Aligning various work styles and business objectives can be a challenging task. But by putting the right products in the right places and in the right way, you can make significant improvements within your organization.

In addition, I have an extensive network of professionals, including Microsoft MVPs or with whom I have worked successfully for many years. I also maintain close relationships with Microsoft themselves, which gives me the opportunity to discuss complex issues directly with them. This allows me to provide you and your organization with optimal advice.

portret foto Paul Keijzers
Paul Keijzers MVP

How can we help you?

Microsoft Sharepoint Intranet

Teams & SharePoint solutions

We offer a combination of out-of-the-box and custom solutions, within the Teams and SharePoint environment of Microsoft 365. We make the most of the standard functionalities Microsoft offers, allowing your organization to low-threshold benefits from efficient solutions.
If necessary, we develop custom solutions, to address specific needs or complex challenges.

Dit krijg je er allemaal bij - Onboarding cursus

Techbriefing Microsoft 365

Keeping up with new updates is an important part of your job. Without the right knowledge and skills, it is simply impossible to give the right advice when it comes to adoption or implementing policies. Finding the right information, and knowing what the impact is, creates turmoil. Unrest that can be prevented.  environment, fast and effective way.

Microsoft Teams

365 Accelerator track

This Powerful 3-month coaching program is specifically designed for organizations, who are ready to face time-consuming and costly challenges within their Microsoft 365 environment, fast and effective way.

With personal guidance from Paul Keijzers, we offer expert advice on strategy and architecture level. For more efficiency, acceleration and growth of your (IT) organization.

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Tony Chocolonely, one of our valued customers

More time for fun

Time is valuable. That’s why we go for 20% time savings.
Deploying and using technology smartly is exactly what you get. We see technology as the means and the business as the end.
Efficiency. Happy employees. And more profits.

We work with mission-driven (international) organizations that want to have a positive impact on the world and their environment. Together we strive to make the world a little more beautiful.

Our clients experience the benefits of setting up and using Microsoft 365 smartly and securely. With our guidance, they can achieve much more in less time by effectively using technology to achieve their goals.

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Watch our 300+ videos

.. On how you can leverage Microsoft 365 for your business

Or read our 100+ articles

8 Mistakes in SharePoint
Paul Keijzers

1. Incorrect Spelling of SharePoint The first mistake is quite a normal one which is not actually about using SharePoint

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1mistake - KbWorks - SharePoint & Teams Specialist
Paul Keijzers

Today, I want to write about a common mistake I’ve noticed people making when using Microsoft Teams. So that is

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Teams web new
Paul Keijzers

Microsoft’s commitment to inclusivity and user convenience takes a leap forward with the latest update to Teams Web, now supporting

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