8 Common SharePoint Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

1. Incorrect Spelling of SharePoint

The first mistake is quite a normal one which is not actually about using SharePoint but is more about the way people write SharePoint. SharePoint is written in camel case. For people who are working with SharePoint, it’s really important that you write the product with the correct spelling.

2. Improper Migration to SharePoint

People tend to say, “Okay, we start with SharePoint,” and what they do is they pick up their network drive and put it directly into SharePoint without migrating it in a proper way. This results in everything being in one site collection with no permission levels. You get garbage in, garbage out, and if you’re not careful, you will hit lots of limitations that will not help you. So please, make a good migration plan if you plan to go to SharePoint.

3. Creating a Team on the Root Site Instead of a Communication Site

What people often do is create a team on the root site instead of a communication site. SharePoint is way more than just a document management system. If you create a team site on the root level, this means that you cannot make it a communication site anymore. Yes, you can change some things, but it’s not the same as a communication site. I would definitely recommend creating a communication site on your root site.

4. Not Understanding How They Are Breaking Permissions

Not understanding how they are breaking permissions can result in a nightmare. For example, when you need permissions, you might just go to share, and this breaks permissions. But what most people do when they think they already have a lot of knowledge is they go to the library settings and start changing permissions on the document level, which causes issues.

5. Default Settings Are Not People Who Already Have Access on the Tenant Level

By default, when you share or copy a link, it defaults to “people within KB works with the link can edit it.” This means that everyone in the organization with the link can edit it. But by default, you don’t want that. You want to share it with people who already have access. This is really important because else you are creating a new nightmare for the IT admin.

6. Just Using It for Documents Without the Power of Meta Pages and Lists

People tend to only use the documents library and forget that they can also create a list for example, a birthday list or other things. If you can create a list, it’s like Excel – it’s really easy, you can reuse it, and you can work together on it directly.

7. Full Control Access for Everybody

If you give full control access to everybody, then everybody can access everything, but they can also change everything. This is happening for a few companies, and most of the companies are really small, but I wouldn’t advise using full control for everybody because it will be a nightmare. You don’t know who has done what.

8. People Not Using News Posts

This is an interesting one because you can publish news to the internet and share the content. They really made this nice because you have so much power with news in SharePoint. For example, if you click on news and click on News Post, you can select from templates already, for example, a newsletter.

These are just a few things that people tend to forget or are not using when they are using SharePoint. I would really recommend using these features and being aware of what these eight mistakes were. So if you were careful, then you are sure that you are not going to make these mistakes over your SharePoint environment.

Below you will find the video with examples:

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