Understanding Consent in Microsoft Teams: Two Essential Approaches

The Basic Approach to Consent

The first method we’ll discuss is the basic approach, where no specific setup is required. This is the default setting in Microsoft Teams. When you start a meeting and decide to record it, a notification is sent to all participants informing them that the meeting is being recorded. By staying in the meeting, participants are implicitly giving their consent to be recorded. If they do not wish to be recorded, they must leave the meeting.

This approach is straightforward and works well for many organizations. However, it may not be sufficient for companies that need to comply with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

GDPR-Compliant Consent

The second approach is designed to ensure compliance with GDPR. In this scenario, you need to adjust your settings in the Teams Admin Center. Under meeting policies, you’ll find an option for recording and transcription that is turned off by default. This setting requires participants to explicitly agree to be recorded. If they do not agree, their microphone and camera will be turned off, as well as screen sharing.

When you start a meeting with this setting enabled, participants will be muted and their cameras turned off as soon as you start recording. They will then receive a pop-up message asking them to agree to be recorded and transcribed. Only after they agree can they unmute their microphone and turn their camera back on.

This approach ensures that you are GDPR compliant, but it does require a different way of conducting and attending meetings. It also requires user adoption, so it’s important to educate your team about these changes.


In conclusion, the method you choose for handling consent in Microsoft Teams will depend on your specific needs and regulatory requirements. If GDPR compliance is a concern for your organization, the second approach is recommended. However, keep in mind that this method requires user adoption and may lead to questions from your team. Be prepared to provide support and education to ensure a smooth transition.

Remember, consent is a crucial aspect of recording Teams meetings. Make sure you understand these two approaches and choose the one that best suits your organization’s needs.

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