A Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up SharePoint Pages

Understanding SharePoint Pages

SharePoint pages come in two types: Communication Site and Team Site.

Communication Site

The communication site is what you’re looking at right now. It typically has a menu bar at the top and is primarily used for disseminating news within an organization.

Team Site

On the other hand, a team site is created when you start a new team or open a group. It’s primarily used for file sharing. By default, a team site is mainly focused on documents.

Customizing Your Site

Let’s say you’ve created a team site for your department, and you want to change its look and feel to match your department’s style. You can do this by customizing it with out-of-the-box components.

To start customizing, click on Edit (provided you have the correct permissions). This will open the edit menu at the top, where you can save your changes as a draft, discard changes, or view page details.

Working with Sections and Web Parts

When editing, you’ll notice that your page is divided into sections. Each section can contain multiple web parts, which some people refer to as widgets. These web parts can be added to your site to enhance its appearance and functionality.

For example, you might want to add a Hero Web Part to your site. This web part allows you to select an image and set its focal point. You can also link the image to a URL, so when people click on it, they’re taken to the specified URL.

Adding and Customizing Web Parts

You can add a variety of web parts to your site, such as a document library or a weather widget. You can even embed YouTube videos. Remember, each web part can be customized to fit your needs.

Creating Sub Pages

In addition to the home page, you can create sub pages. When creating a new page, you have the option to select from pages that are already in your library.

Saving a Page as a Template

If you’ve created a page that you’d like to use as a template for future pages, you can save it as a template. This makes it easier to create new pages that share the same layout and web parts.

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