Why don’t I have that feature in Microsoft Teams yet?

Nieuwe functionaliteiten in Teams


New functionalities in Microsoft Teams.

Who doesn’t want that?!

Almost every week new functions are added to Microsoft Teams. Think of breakout rooms or together mode. It’s great when it’s all announced, but then you have to wait until it’s there.

This also causes problems. You want to prepare yourself before everyone in the organization has the latest functions. Unfortunately, Teams does not have a preview functionality (targeted release) like all other Microsoft 365 products do. So if something is rolled out, everyone in your organization has it immediately at their disposal, making adoption much more difficult. After all, all this is new to you too.

This is changing!

For a few weeks now, you have been able to indicate in the admin center whether users are allowed to use preview functionalities. You do this by setting a policy. Unfortunately, only the Teams administrator can enable this. If you work in a large organization, you will have to find other ways to unlock the functionality.

How do I make sure I get Microsoft Teams updates before the rest of my organization?

To do this, go to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com as an admin, then expand the ‘teams’ menu on the right. Click on ‘update policy’ and set the policy.

updates activeren in Microsoft Teams


Once in the screen you can adjust the global policy or apply a new policy. Note: with the global policy everyone gets the latest features pushed directly. I recommend adding a policy here.

beleid toepassen in Microsoft Teams


After the policy is created, you need to assign users to it. It can take up to 24 hours for the policy to become active.

toevoegen gebruiker aan beleid


Hierna zijn we klaar aan de admin kant.

How do I set up preview functionalities as a user?

Targeted release or preview functionalities can be set up as a user at the beginning of December. You can do this by clicking on your initials or your photo in Microsoft Teams. When you do this, the settings menu will expand, then select “info”. There you will find the preview function.



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