Author name: Paul Keijzers

How do you create good governance and automate Microsoft Teams for education?

This article is a report of a live session from Microsoft Ignite 2019: Session BRK1065 How to manage governance and automation in Teams for Education? In this session, Nick Smith and Tosin Bosede shared an extensive explanation of what to look for when rolling out Microsoft Teams in education. The session focused on the policies […]

How do you create good governance and automate Microsoft Teams for education? Read More »

Everything you need to know about private channels in Microsoft Teams

Private channels in Microsoft Teams are being rolled out from now on. In this article I will explain what this means for your organization and how you can deal with it. But I will also show you how you can set up or disable these functionalities. First of all, it is good to know that

Everything you need to know about private channels in Microsoft Teams Read More »

Updates van Office 365: 14-28 okt, week 42-44/2019

Elke week deel ik hier met jou de nieuwste updates van Microsoft Teams en Office 365. Modern Lifecycle Policy for Microsoft Teams Desktop Client Er is een balk in Microsoft teams bijgekomen die je ziet als je Microsoft Teams app niet uptodate is. Deze balk komt alleen tevoorschijn bij updates en wijzigingen Het kan namelijk

Updates van Office 365: 14-28 okt, week 42-44/2019 Read More »

Stop emailing documents back and forth as attachments

Stop emailing documents back and forth Are you still sharing documents with your colleagues via email?Emailing back and forth with attachments?Because you want to receive feedback on the document? Or because you are working together on the document?Whatever the reason, it is clear that this is a lot of hassle. You open your emailYou write

Stop emailing documents back and forth as attachments Read More »

How can you test your speakers and microphone in Microsoft Teams?

When using Microsoft Teams, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which device is currently being used for audio. Everything seems to be fine via the settings. Only the microphone or audio does not work in the call. This is something I often see with customers. Microsoft has released a function for this, namely the

How can you test your speakers and microphone in Microsoft Teams? Read More »

How do you drastically reduce the number of emails you send and receive with your colleagues per day?

Reduce emailing drastically! A daily overflowing inbox. A mountain of emails that need to be read and answered every day. That is one of the most common frustrations of people within teams and organizations. And we understand that. To give you some concrete figures. It turns out that employees spend an average of 28% of

How do you drastically reduce the number of emails you send and receive with your colleagues per day? Read More »

Updates van Office 365: 30 sept – 14 okt, week 40-42/2019

Elke week deel ik hier met jou de nieuwste updates van Microsoft Teams en Office 365. Updated Feature: Updating default setting for live captions and subtitles in live events policy Live ondertiteling kan super handig zijn! Dit staat standaard aan wanneer je een live event doet in Microsoft Teams. Nu kan het zijn dat je

Updates van Office 365: 30 sept – 14 okt, week 40-42/2019 Read More »

What is the best way to store files in SharePoint and Teams?

What is the best way to store files in SharePoint and Microsoft Teams? Is that metadata or are they folders? I often hear that question. There are companies that choose to use folders and there are companies that only want to use metadata. The introduction of Microsoft Teams has not immediately made it clearer how

What is the best way to store files in SharePoint and Teams? Read More »

#MVPbuzzChat Christian Buckley and Paul Keijzers talk about adoption in Microsoft Teams

Christian Buckley presents a interview series with a lot of MVP’s. I was interviewed in Episode 68. It is a 30 min interview where we discuss the struggles with end user adoption, and specifically adoption and engagement with Microsoft Teams. We also get into some of the issues for orgs moving from Slack to Teams,

#MVPbuzzChat Christian Buckley and Paul Keijzers talk about adoption in Microsoft Teams Read More »

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